Page 40 - Spring Into Markets
P. 40

3. Question
• Ask if it's okay to ask a few questions so that you can get an idea as to what they are looking for and why try to identify the major need so that you can sell the benefits
• Whilst questioning is very important, empathy and listening are crucial as is understanding body language
• Good empathic questioning also builds relationships, trust and rapport — nobody wants to buy anything from someone who appears only interested in their own gain — we all want to buy from somebody who gives their time (and skill) to properly meet our own personal needs
• Open questions invite the
other person to start a
conversation; closed questions
invite the other person to say
yes or no. Therefore use open
questions to gather
• Listen carefully, maintain
good eye‐contact, understand
and show that you
understand — especially what
is meant and felt, not just
what is said
• Interpret and repeat back to
confirm you have understood what is being explained
• Use closed questions to qualify and confirm your understanding, e.g. for a customer looking to buy a new dog lead; "Do you mean that when you take your dog to the park he pulls on the lead causing your shoulder to ache?
• When you've asked a question, you must then be quiet — do not interrupt — allow the other person time to answer. Do not jump in and start explaining how you can solve the problem until you have asked all your questions and gathered all the information you need
4: Present the product
• When suggesting a product, the trader should focus on the main perceived benefit that the customer gains from the product/service (as identified during step 3) supported by any other benefits
• The product needs to demonstrate that it meets the customer’s needs, priorities, etc. or the customer will not even consider buying it — hence why understanding the customer’s needs and requirements is so vital
• Avoid simply talking about technical features and from using any jargon which the customer may not understand
   40 Selling Your Products Guide 5

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